Learning Challenge: How to Be Happy

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Want to Be Happier? Science Says Do These 11 Things Every Single Day” by Jeff Haden

According to this article, I’m barely setting myself up for success since I can safely say I probably do barely do half of his suggestions daily. The eleven habits to start incorporating into your life for a happier tomorrow include: smiling more (smizing, really since smiling without one's eyes apparently indicates it is fake and therefore serves no function), exercise for 7 minutes minimum, sleep more for a better mood, spend more time with friends and family, get outdoors more often, help others, plan a dream trip (even if this one is never fulfilled, it supposedly affects endorphin levels to simply pretend), meditate, move closer to work, practice gratitude, and get older (we apparently become naturally more satisfied as we age).

Phew, that is a long list. Of these, I feel like I would vouch for only a few given my own experience of whether I felt my day was improved if I engaged with the above advice. I am a self-proclaimed nap queen, and I can say with certainty that I feel my most rested and relaxed at around 9 hours of shut-eye. Likewise, so long as the weather isn’t too extreme one way or another, I think spending time in the sun and fresh air has its effects. I think this has to do with the fact that you can focus on your own thoughts if they aren’t preoccupied on the uncomfortable sensations of being too hot or cold. If you move close enough to work, you could satisfy 3-5 of these suggestions on your short walk: living near your job, spending more time outside, meditating, imagining an ideal trip you would take given the chance, and exercising for 10 minutes or less. Apparently, living near your job is the best bet to facilitate a content life, these things considered! I suppose you would get older upon these daily walks, too, in which case the happiness can only multiply with the years! What these denote is a sense of mindfulness of your desires and daily actions, since it's only with proper attention to these can you take steps toward your goal of securing greater happiness in your future.

(Image Source: Pixabay Stock Photos)


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