Learning Challenge: The Fundamentals of Character

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Science of Character,” video by Tiffany Shlain

In this video, Tiffany Shlain talks about how science has proven that within each of our prefrontal cortex’ lies a capacity to change and develop our character for a more meaningful, prosperous life. This positive attitude adjustment to do with self-improvement is not unlike Carol Dweck’s prescription for being a more resilient and productive person in an academic context, something she calls “Growth Mindset.” Shlain points out that across all cultures, these core virtues are commonly agreed upon: wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. The traits or qualities that make up each of these core virtues Shlain calls “strengths,” which she says each person has a unique combination of. The traits I myself am “high” in, I would say include gratitude, forgiveness, perspective, and love. However, I’m often “low” in bravery, perseverance, enthusiasm, and some others. This framework for understanding our own innermost workings is apparently an ancient concept that the Buddha and some of our greatest philosophers like Plato and Socrates have pondered in the past. She reminds us to sometimes say “to hell with the hustle” in this day and age that focuses primarily on one's output, and to realize that the best project we can work on is within ourselves. I loved this quote she included and have heard it before: “Watch your thoughts: they become words, watch your words: they become actions, watch your actions: they become habits, watch your habits: they become your character, watch your character: it becomes your destiny.” How deep! Then she advocates for the big seven character strengths that social science deems critical for happiness according to studies to do with academic achievement and overall emotional contentedness: optimism, gratitude, social intelligence, curiosity, self-control, enthusiasm, and grit. So, I’m about 4-5/7, only around 2-3 away from being the best person I can possibly be!

(Image Source: Unspalsh Free Images)


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