Introduction to the "Type A" Idealist

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hello, I am Brittany.

My academic career has been somewhat episodic. Straight after I graduated High School, I had one very successful but short-lived semester at Oklahoma State University where I felt my first taste of unbridled freedom after a sheltered upbringing, unhealthily underexposed to the outside world. Due to extenuating circumstances, I had to withdraw the following spring. With my 4.0 GPA, some unpaid tuition, and a mental album of memories I entered the workforce unready but willing to work off my debt and save enough money to return to college of my own accord. Three long years later, after too many menial, minimum wage jobs I was enrolled once again. As much as I harbored regret and shame about how long it took me to get here, I learned a hard lesson about responsibility and have come out the other side with a sense of pride. The hardships were a heavy dose of reality, but the silver lining is that I am now currently a senior here at The University of Oklahoma. After switching my major multiple times, I settled on the College of Classics and Letters. Letters is an interdisciplinary degree of sorts focusing on history, literature (classics, linguistics, English), philosophy (political science, religious studies), and languages (both modern and ancient) as described by the Letters academics webpage:

The program’s original purpose was to instill a deeper appreciation of the major movements of Western civilization. By studying the important and characteristic achievements of the human mind from Greco-Roman antiquity to the modern era, students come to understand and appreciate the ideas and principles that form the basis of their own culture […] The program is based upon the assumption that cultivated intelligence, good judgment, and artistic expression in speech and writing are desirable in and for themselves.

This major perfectly suits my interests in people and ideas. A famous statement by the great thinker Socrates’ says that “the unexamined life is not worth living,” or in other words— the human experience is not one that is meant to be subjected to boundaries, whether that be in thought or in practice. Without self-discovery, existential analysis, and the abandonment of presuppositions influenced by personal aspirations and values, one would be engaging in life with blinders on. I feel as though Socrates’ credo fits my personal, academic, and occupational goals of merging logic and reasoning with sensitivity to the essence of human nature. 

I have a hushed demeanor outwardly, but an analytical, open, idealistic inward disposition. I am a true INFJ (according to the Myer’s Brigg’s personality test): a passionate and determined idealist, but a perfectionist to a fault with a need to always be working in harmony with a fixed vision lest I get burnt out. I have an endlessly creative, talented twin sister who is my built-in best friend, cheerleader, monkey-see-monkey-do,  and the second scoop to my double-dip ice-cream cone. We are identical but we march to the beat of very individual drums. Twinhood has had an enormous impact on my identity. There are definitely more pros than cons but as my sister has once said “it puts a new edge on “being number one,"" and has sharpened my competitive edge. However, to sidestep this tangent let me conclude by saying that I do like being ‘me.’

Who am I? Well, I enjoy platforms like Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu like every other millennial. I also have an interest in interior design and art (crafts, sculpture, sketch, painting). I am a cat person with a calico kitty named Kindred. She is a super quirky cat who chirps more than she meows. I grew up on country music (Shania Twain, Alan Jackson), but have come to love music of all types. I have a guilty pleasure for all things animation (classic Disney movies for sure- Pocahontas and Snow white are my favorites). I prefer nonfiction to fiction reads. I try to be socially conscious and politically involved (I have strong opinions about rising social and economic inequality). I strive on being tidy and I am a total “Monica” (“Friends” fans, anyone? Seriously, my closet is color-coded). I am hugely sentimental and overly observant. And if it hasn’t already been obvious, I am also extremely wordy as this longer than expected introduction exemplifies. This post has reached essay lengths, so this is where I wrap this up. Please enjoy my posts but don’t take my written musings too seriously!

(Image Source: Graphic made by me, SumoPaint Photo Editor)


  1. Oh, I am really hoping this will be a good class for you, Brittany! I am a huge fan of the Letters approach, and there are so many different ways into India: the epics and other stories, art, music, philosophy, languages (linguistic science as we understand it today was first invented in India), so I hope you will find good connections between your interests and the topics of this class. My guess that INFJ is also a good match for learning online; I'm ENFJ or INFJ depending (basically I'm half I and half E, ha ha), and one of the things I like best about online classes is that there is time and space for people to make contributions in different ways. And how cool that you are a twin! You will see that the twin gods known as the Ashwins are an important part of the Indian tradition, and they are the fathers of two of the main heroes in the Mahabharata: Nakula and Sahadeva... and Sita, the heroine of the Ramayana, will be the mother of twins: Lava and Kusha. So maybe you will be inspired to do a story about twins... you could do a gender-flip and let Sita have twin daughters! (which I think she might have preferred, ha ha). Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the class and have some great Indian storytelling adventures of the mind!
    And that graphic is gorgeous... it reminds me of Indian mandala and rangoli art. More about Rangoli art. :-)

  2. Brittany, It is amazing to get to know you and you are not the only one who dealt with strict sheltering where when you enter a college you have no idea whats going on and I am sure it was lot of stress and pressure to save up all the money to finish education. But hey on the good side you are senior now and just few more classes and then you will feel so relieved after your graduation and college definitely increases you chances to get a better jobs and networking. I speak 8 different languages and I am very sure Latin which I took as a class in my freshman fall semester comes under CLASSICS AND LINGUISTIC department also I am a Political Science major with minor in religious studies and History. It is an honor to meet you and happy to find someone so similar to me.

  3. Hey Brittany! Letters is such a cool major. I took a mythology class my first semester at OU and always wished my schedule allowed for more classes like it, but never had the time. I also have a guilty pleasure of loving animated movies so I can definitely relate to that one. Also, even though it took you longer to get here than you'd like, you should be so excited to be a senior.

  4. Hi Brittany.  That's really cool that you're a Letters major.  I'd considered that as a possible major on more than one occasion.  As far as your collegiate journey is concerned, you have nothing to be ashamed about.  In fact, I suspect that you are going to get more out of your education than a lot of people who just went straight through and got their degree in four years.  Besides, if you feel bad about taking a few extra years to complete your degree, imagine how it would feel to still be working on your degree after a couple of decades (yeah, that's me).

    Ah the good ol' Myer’s Brigg’s personality test.  The last time I took this test I got ENFJ-T, a "Turbulent Protagonist."  I think at one time I was an INFP but that might have been from a different version of this test.  These personality tests are a lot of fun.

  5. Hi Brittany! It's great to meet a fellow INFJ! Based on that alone, we seem to have a lot in common personality wise. It's cool that you're a Letters major. I almost went into it, but ultimately went into criminology instead. I appreciated your comment on country music. I too enjoy Miss Shania Twain. She’s such a classic. I hope the semester goes well for you!

  6. Hey Brittany!

    DO NOT BE ASHAMED OF YOUR EDUCATIONAL JOURNEY. I know many frogs from my hometown that have also taken a break from school and returning afterwards. Each one of them is highly successful now and I know your story is not any different! Letters is a fascinating major too! It studies the things that are often forgotten in our world, allowing for different perspectives and greater understandings. Good luck with your semester!

  7. Hi Brittany! Pleased to meet you!

    So I'm also SUPER tidy, I love being organized and tend to organize and clean when I'm stressed haha. I'm an ISTJ, sometimes and ISFJ, on the Meyer's Brigs test. I loved taking tests like those because I love getting more insights into my personality quirks. Your major sounds very fascinating, I took a Classical Mythology course my first semester here at OU and I loved it. I've always been fascinated with Greek Mythology. I look forward to seeing more of your posts, and good luck with your semester.

  8. Hello Brittany, I am glad you got back on the horse! It seems you have found a path for yourself and your trudging forward full steam. I also must comment on the beautiful way in which you write, I can’t but admire how skilled at writing you are! I liked how you came about choosing your major. I think most people must examine themselves and figure out who they want to be. It seems you have found yourself through the experiences you have made. I hope you have a great semester and are successful in all your endeavors!

  9. Hi Brittany! I believe we were in Bib Lit together last fall with Dr. HK! I love the Myer’s Brigg’s personality test, it’s my second favorite after the enneagram, I’m an ENTP, I wonder what enneagram type you would be. That’s so cool that you have an identical twin! Out of curiosity, is one of you right handed and one of you left handed? I’m not sure if there is any science behind it, but all twin pairs I know have one lefty and one righty. Love the Monica comparison; I’m a huge fan of Friends as well. Glad your journey brought you to OU!

  10. Hi Brittany! I love how even though there were lots of odds against you it did not stop you from coming back to college and chasing your dreams! That is very admirable. I also grew up on country music. Shania Twain and Alan Jackson are two of my favorites. I also have two kitties their names are Benji and MK. I hope the rest of your college career goes smoothly and you have a great semester!


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