Famous Last Words: When Flu Season Strikes

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

This weekend while I was with my family, I caught some sort of severe cold, moderate flu, or sinus infection (I'm not sure which). I haven’t been this sick in quite some time. I’ve been so miserable that even making this post and completing other assignments for this and the rest of my classes has been a major struggle. I was actually sent home by one of my professors on account of how bad I must have looked, which was actually a huge relief since I could suffer within the confines of my own apartment without an audience. I didn’t even know that such bad sinus pain could cause my eye sockets and ear canals to hurt. My lymph nodes are swollen, my nose is stuffy, my chest is congested, and I have a little bit of nausea. My fever comes and goes, and I don’t know whether it’s due to my body being imbalanced and inflamed from illness or if it’s the over the counter medicine I’m on, but I can’t focus for anything. I feel guilty about everything I have neglected and I think I need to go back to class tomorrow but considering how little I feel I have recovered even while resting at home I’m not sure I’ll be firing at full cylinders for a while. I also miss having an appetite for food, not to mention the ability to smell and taste. 

In the meantime, between being passed out and awake long enough to take more medicine I managed to do today’s “More Mahabharata” assignment. I have always liked the Epified channel on YouTube. It also reminded me of the other videos I had been meaning to get to in the class playlist and came upon one that was Harry Potter related. With the onset of cooler weather, and my having been a dedicated viewer of this series every Christmas since I can remember I thought it was appropriate to watch this video “Harry Potter Music (Indian Version) | Tushar Lall (TIJP).” It brought back so many memories and I loved the original spin they put on it with the traditional instruments, it was a great tribute to the iconic song. The production of the video was likewise impressive. It also reminded me of a Storybook that I found back in the first week called “Hogwarts: The Loyalty of Brothers.” The link looks broken now, but I remember bits and pieces of it and thought it was such a creative take on the Indian Epics and could really see where the author could draw parallels between the stories. 

(Image Source: Pixabay Stock Photos)


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