Thoughts About Assignments

Saturday, August 24, 2019
I have had a handful of online courses in college both at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University but none as unique as this one so far. Several of these were as vigorous as this seems to be, but this one has a little more variety. Rather than the typical two or three types of assignments on rotation, the mix-and-match capability of this course is appealing as I can customize my workload according to my interests. I like that in a class as hands-off as this I can have total control of what I work on, when I work on it, and ultimately what grade I walk away with. It’s the create-your-own sundae of classes and the cherry on top is the final storybook/portfolio project that you have total creative freedom over. This sort of structure is perfect for a senior like me who intends to spend this last semester preparing my post-graduation plans as much as possible.

As far as the assignments go, I imagine I will feel a little out of my comfort zone for a while until I gain more confidence in my writing. I’ll need to train my “Type A” brain to turn itself down a notch, it’s a bit neurotic and constructive criticism while well-meaning sometimes sets it off. I’ll try to take whatever comments in stride however uncomfortable I may feel as I know this will be a chance for me to develop my skills. I’m also pretty passive and have trouble correcting people in person even, so starting soon I’ll overcome this so I can give proper feedback on others’ projects. From what I read of previous students’ reviews, my concerns appear to be common and I assume it is just a matter of time before this passes.

For the most part, my excitement outweighs my worries. Particularly, I’m eager to start on the extra credit opportunities. Out of the options listed, I think “Growth Mindset,” “HEART,” “Famous Last Words,” and “Back-Up and Review” seem perfect for recapping the week and will most likely be my go-to. Though, “Tech Tips” and “Wikipedia Trails” sound like a good supplement for a web-based class such as this and might be an excellent way to exercise my internet savvy. I’ll likely do extra commenting or reading during busier weeks when I’m feeling burnt out. I think my sister has checked out an Indian comic book that is on reserve at the Bizzell library before, and from what I can remember it came highly recommended so I must see what the fuss is about. I’ll have to see where to best fit these assignments.

All in all, the semester ahead seems promising. Between the core assignments and the extra credit, I think there is a lot of room to challenge myself and make the most out of a class like this. 

(Image Source: Pixabay Stock Photos)


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