Growth Mindset: Re-do's

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Try Everything” by Shakira from Disney’s “Zootopia”

It seems appropriate to appreciate this Growth Mindset inspired song what with the streaming service “Disney +” having just recently been released as well as this concept that started this class this semester coming to a close. This song is not only catchy, but the message is something I have only just now internalized in a new way after being introduced to Carol Dweck who started the craze. For kids hearing this song at such a vital time in their life, this song could be future changing. By encouraging someone that they can choose their battles and not let their initial setbacks scare them into abandoning ship. I was the poster child of the kid who never chose to try new things. Ice-skating, cheerleading, piano, art lessons, dance—these are just a few activities I never attempted thanks to intimidation. During that fanciful and free time of life when time is abundant and responsibilities absent, this could have been the time for me to find my calling. Instead, I still enjoyed those formative years in other ways conducive to how I turned out today but I still think it could have been constructive had I taken a chance on even one of those listed. These days, this young version of me still has me sit on the side-lines when it comes to many things. However, even in little ways I’m leaning toward considering spending time on my short and sweet bucket list. Some of these include getting back into baking or taking a pottery class again since it stirred such an interest the first time I took it. Trying everything means new things as the tides turn and happiness and fulfillment in putting time and effort into things which contribute to these takes on new forms. I think foremost is this underlying presence of an attitude that is more calm and collected about not forcing yourself into self-fulfilling failure since some things inherently take more tries but at the same time indeed forcing yourself to circle back to square one when you do have to give yourself grace and do something a second or third or fourth time.

(Image Source: Pixabay Stock Photos)


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